Call of the Night is a popular Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kotoyama. The manga recounts the adventures of Ko Yamori, a high school girl who is dissatisfied with her existence. She does, however, come upon Nazuna Nanakusa, a vampire that has lived for several generations. As a result, Nazuno assisted Ko in realizing the positive aspects of life.
Call of the Night was beloved by millions of manga fans for its wonderful story-telling, and LIDEN Flims chose to adapt it into an anime.
Call of the Night New Trailer Revealed
As the debut of Call of the Night approaches, LIDEN Films has produced a new trailer for the anime to give us a taste of what to expect. The video provides us a glimpse of the anime’s stunning tale and aesthetics, and we couldn’t be more excited for the next season. Here it is; check out the new trailer for yourself:
【Official Teaser】
Call of the Night Anime
Scheduled for July 2022.Character: Akira Asai
— AnimeTV チェーン (@animetv_jp) March 29, 2022
Aside from the video, Call of the Night has received a new key visual, which features Ko Yamori.
“Call of the Night” Akira Asai Character Visual!
Akira Asai (CV: Yumiri Hanamori)
The anime is scheduled for July 2022.
— Anime Trending (@AniTrendz) March 29, 2022
The first episode of Call of the Night is set to premiere in July 2022, but the studio has yet to offer us a specific release date. We can expect news from the studio before May, given that the anime is only a few months away. And, of course, we’ll keep you up to date on the newest news on the anime as soon as we have it.