Prison School is a seinen manga by Akira Hiramoto that ran from February 7, 2011, to December 25, 2017, in Kdansha’s Weekly Young Magazine and was released in 28 bound volumes. Between July and September 2015, an anime adaptation made by studio J.C. Staff aired on Tokyo MX and Crunchyroll.
Between October and December 2015, a drama adaption aired in Japan. In this post, we’ll discuss the possibility of the second season of Prison School.
The second season of Prison School has yet to be announced. The first season aired seven years ago, and in 2016, an OVA was published, marking the final appearance of Prison School. Nonetheless, Prison School has a lot more chapters to adapt, and it’s not inconceivable that the show may be resurrected at some time. We just don’t know when it will happen.
The rest of this article will provide you with all of the known and unknown details about a possible Prison School season 2. You’ll learn about the anime’s possible debut date, if it has a trailer, what the tale could be about, and much more about this wildly popular new series.
What is the Prison School’s Plot?
In a school where guys have never been seen before, these young men are quickly rejected. Because they want to be alone, this group of teenagers makes a decision that will change their whole high school experience.
We’re going to check out the Girl’s Bath! Oh, my goodness, it is incredible! It has been proven that having an IQ of 500 or above is possible. Of course, everything went according to plan. They are apprehended by the Underground Student Council. The way this council treats its citizens is well-known.
For their conduct, the Underground Student Council condemned them to one month in jail. How did five young boys wind up in a classroom full of only female students? The terrible experiences of the captives and their desperate attempts to leave are portrayed in a cheerful and amusing way.
This is one of the funniest shows ever created.
Prison School is one of the greatest. Because of how original the story is and how wonderfully it is put together, this is a terrific ecchi. As a result, an OVA for the show was made. The title of this OVA is “Prison School: Mad Wax.”
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The Release Date for Season 2 of Prison School has been Set.
As you can see, Prison School’s future is questionable, but not due to a lack of enthusiasm. There is enough content for at least two more seasons, probably three depending on the pacing, but the show’s future is uncertain due to the fact that it is a very pornographic seinen title with a small potential audience, as well as the fact that the OVA episode was released six years ago. In any event, the earliest we may see a possible second season is 2024, but we’d need assurance on the future in 2022 or 2023.
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The following is a list of the cast members for the upcoming season:
Kazuyuki Okitsu portrays Reiji Andou.
Hiroshi Kamiya portrays Kiyoshi Fujino.
Daisuke Namikawa portrays Jouji Nezu.
Katsuyuki Konishi plays Takehito Morokuzu.
Kenici Suzumaru portrays Shingo Wakamoto.
Where can I get Prison School Season 2 on Netflix?
There is no way to view Prison School season two right now, as predicted because there is no season two of Prison School to watch. Funimation and Crunchyroll, two of the biggest anime-related websites on the Internet, aired the first season internationally, so it’s fair to anticipate that a second season will be shown there as well.
Will there be a Third Season of Prison School?
The future of Prison School is uncertain at this time. We don’t know much about a second season right now, so whether or not we’ll get a third season is still up in the air. Prison School is a controversial show with a cult audience that is confined to its topic. This is why we can’t anticipate what will happen to Prison School in the future; we’ll have to wait and watch what occurs in season two before discussing the possibility of a third season.