Attack on Titan is a Japanese dark fantasy anime television series that began on April 7, 2013, and is based on the manga of the same name by Hajime Isayama. It aired on NHK General TV in Japan and Aniplus Asia in a number of Asian countries. In addition to airing on Adult Swim’s Toonami programming block in the United States and Canada, the series has been streamed on Crunchyroll, Funimation, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu.
Attack on Titan features protagonist Eren Jaeger and his pals Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert in a post-apocalyptic world where the remnants of humanity dwell behind walls defending them from huge humanoid Titans.
Titans destroy the city and kill Eren’s mother when a Colossal Titan penetrates the city’s wall. Eren joins the elite Survey Corps, a group of soldiers who combat Titans, vowing vengeance.
Eren’s journey with the Survey Corps as they confront the Titans while exploring their origins and history is chronicled in Attack on Titan.
Attack On Titan 1st Season
After his mother is killed by Titans in the first season, Eren trains as a soldier. He realises he has the ability to transform into a Titan, and while the government tries to figure out how to harness it, more Titans emerge from within the walls, posing a threat to humanity.
Attack On Titan Season 2
The Survey Corps is reeling from the aftermath of war in the second season, and they discover treachery from within, leading them to unravel some of the Titans’ mysteries.
Attack On Titan Season3
The Survey Corps is sought by the government in the third season, as they are trailed by corrupt Military Police looking for Eren and Historia, the true successor to the kingdom. They later protect Shiganshina from the Beast, Colossal, and Armored Titans, and learn the actual origins of the Titans as well as the truth about humanity.
Attack On Titan Season 4
The troops of Paradis fight their oppressor, Marley, in the fourth and final season to put an end to the war between the Marleyans and the Eldians. Eren embarks on a road of annihilation to eliminate his foes. Will the Titans be extinguished for good?
The Release Date for ‘Season 5’ of Attack On Titan has been Set.
According to the official release date, Attack on Titan “Season 5” will premiere on January 9, 2022, during the Winter 2022 anime season.
Contrary to popular belief, Attack on Titan will not conclude with a film, despite the recent and wildly successful worldwide theatrical release of Jujutsu Kaisen’s film. While both programs are wonderfully animated by MAPPA, their fates diverge in that Attack on Titan’s future appears to be without movies.
Indeed, the final episode of Season 4, Part 2 stated that the show will end in 2023 and that it would continue in its serialised structure. Attack on Titan has accumulated 28 episodes between Season 4 Parts 1 and 2, and this final part is expected to wrap up the manga’s story in 10 episodes or less, depending on their length and content. But make no mistake: the following season is the final one (or else fans just might start a Rumbling of their own).