In Missouri, Can a Pregnant Woman Get a Divorce?
Saint Louis Our staff checks Google Trends often every morning to see what people are looking for in St. Louis, Missouri, and elsewhere, as well as for potential article ideas. We learned on Thursday that many individuals were looking up whether pregnant women could obtain a divorce in Missouri.
At first glance, the question seems unusual. This may have been related to some sort of conspiracy notion that requires further investigation (and possible debunking). But this is not a fanciful or reckless scheme intended to deceive the public. As it turns out, Missouri law prohibits divorce for pregnant women.
Among the four states (along with Arizona, Arkansas, and Texas) whose courts will not issue a divorce if the woman is pregnant is Missouri, according to the American Prenatal Association, a non-profit organization devoted to reproductive health and pregnancy wellness.
In light of this, Why Pregnant Women can’t get Divorced in Missouri?
This outdated rule’s justification is shockingly hypocritical. The actual regulation only states that a woman involved in a divorce file must declare her pregnancy status along with other incredibly basic data like her name and address.
But Danielle Drake, the woman at the center of that Riverfront Times article, not only had to deal with the law personally and resubmit multiple divorce filings—one after learning she was pregnant and then again after giving birth—but she’s also a family law attorney, so she has a special amount of insight here.
Because courts cannot decide who will get custody of the child until the child is born, according to Drake, pregnancy will halt divorce proceedings. Why? Considering that Missouri’s divorce laws “do not see fetuses as humans,” as she puts it.
That is very amazing considering that Missouri, like many other states, has placed a great deal of emphasis on the concept of fetal “personhood” as the sole rationale for the prohibition of abortion.
For a child who doesn’t exist, a court order cannot specify visitation schedules or child support obligations, Drake says the newspaper. “As a lawyer, I have no way of establishing that support. Since that isn’t a genuine person, there is nothing there. This holds true even if there isn’t even the slightest disagreement over paternity, custody, or any other matter that might come up, according to another family law professional who spoke with the media site.
A fetus is not considered a person in family court until the child is born. The language of Missouri’s anti-abortion statute, however, asserts that a fetus is “a separate, unique, living human being” and that “life of each human being begins at conception.” Although we have always understood that those claims lack any factual support, it is nonetheless somewhat astonishing to witness these state legislators contradict one another in the face of established legal precedence.
It is more evident than ever that these anti-abortion Republican politicians literally just make these things up as they go along and couldn’t know less about pregnancy and the entire reproductive path. In this interview from last week, Missouri Governor Mike Parson asserts that the pregnant woman and her doctor should make all decisions regarding an urgent abortion that is medically necessary. Prepare yourself for the hypocrisy that will follow.
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