6 Life Hacks for Your Watch: Everyone to Know

6 Life Hacks for Your Watch

6 Life Hacks for Your Watch

Nobody intends to become lost, but if it does, you need to make the most of the resources you have at your disposal—or on your wrist.

6 Life Hacks for Your Watch

Though many of us may take the simple wristwatch for granted, did you realize that this tiny clock has a few tricks up its sleeve? For instance, a simple wristwatch can be used to ignite a fire, determine direction, and even create an emergency blade!

Step 1: Tell Direction

You may actually use your watch as a basic compass to help you determine direction before disassembling it. This technique must be performed in broad daylight and requires any analog watch or clock.

6 Life Hacks for Your Watch

The steps are the same, but the procedure varies significantly depending on which hemisphere you’re in:

Hemisphere to the north

When the hour hand is oriented in the direction of the sun, turn the entire watch while holding it flat on your hand with the clock facing upward. South will be at the place on the watch between the hour hand and the number 12.

Hemisphere in the south

When the 12 hands is pointed in the direction of the sun, turn the entire watch while holding it flat on your hand with the clock facing upward. North will be at the midpoint between the hour hand and the 12 on the watch.

You can work out the remaining compass directions from here.

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Step 2: Dismantle Watch

Many minor parts that are found in watches can be employed in a number of survival circumstances.


Most timepieces have a simple back that can be unlocked. Look around the back plate for a little notch that can be used to use a sharp knife to pry off the backing. The watch back is fixed quite securely, so take care.

The remaining parts of the watch can be simply removed from the watch housing once the back has been taken off. A blunt stick or pebble wrapped in cloth can be used to delicately knock the glass front of the watch out of the metal housing, which is pressure-fitted in place.

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Step 3: Start a Fire

The glass covering the watch face on many watches has a convex lens, which makes it simpler to read the time. The lens is ideal for concentrating sunlight to ignite a fire.


Hold the lens around 6 inches from your dry tinder after cleaning it of any smudges. To concentrate the sun into a point of light, you need to hold the lens perpendicular to the sun and move the lens. The highly focused beam of light is extremely hot and should easily ignite the tinder and start your fire. Move this point to tinder and hold for a few seconds.

Step 4: Primitive Sundial

Making a sundial out of a watch may sound stupid, but if you’re stuck and your watch runs out of batteries, this is actually a fairly excellent usage.

Sundials may appear rudimentary, but they are actually meticulously constructed depending on where they are made because the sun produces varied shadows depending on where you are latitudinally. The arm that extends from the dial plate and casts the shadow is known as the gnomon, and it is fixed at various angles to account for shadow length. The gnomon must be pointed toward True North and parallel to the earth’s axis in order to tell the time accurately (see the step about using your watch as a compass).


Before you go, it would be helpful if you knew your approximate latitude; this will help you determine the general angle at which to place your gnomon. For instance, you would estimate your latitude to be 40o if you’re camping in Northern California. As a result, the gnomon angle for your sundial should also be 40o.

Step 5: Reflector

The sturdy backs of timepieces make excellent reflectors for drawing the notice of passing airplanes or persons who are far away.

6 Life Hacks for Your Watch

Your watch back can probably still be utilized as a reflector even if it has a matte appearance. To truly polish the watch back, try polishing it with any cotton towel. Next, face the watch back toward the sun and try to reflect the light. To perfect your reflecting technique, first, try shining sunlight in a neighboring area.

When ready, you can quickly alert others who are far away by flashing the reflector in their direction. If you’re feeling particularly self-assured, you could even convey a message by flashing some Morse code!

Step 6: Hone a Knife

Many timepieces come with leather straps, which not only make them comfortable to wear but also provide us with a fantastic material for making survival items.


To sharpen a blade, the leather strap can be used similarly to a strop. Secure the watch strap by fastening one end of it, and then carefully run your knife’s edge down the leather strap, leaving the sharp edge trailing the stoke. Even though the strap may be little, it will nevertheless function to remove any burrs from the knife edge and restore the edge.

Step 7: Make a Blade

If you’re an outdoor expert, you most likely already own a knife. However, in a survival situation, you could require a different blade for a variety of tasks. Perhaps you want to save your nice knife for tasks that call for a well-honed edge, or perhaps your knife has been misplaced.


You can make a blade out of your watch in a survival emergency. Gently tap on the glass front of the watch while it is covered with a leaf to cause it to break into glass shards. You can simply locate a few bits that are extremely sharp and can be quickly transformed into blades.

Cut a long, continuous length of leather from your watch strap using the glass shard. This leather strip will be used to lash the glass shard to a handle. Find a solid stick with an opening on one end, insert the glass shard until it is firmly placed in the aperture, then secure it with the leather strip to create a handle.

This blade can readily cut through cloth and flesh, albeit it is undoubtedly not as durable as a genuine knife.

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