The Top 13 Alexa Tricks of 2022: Everyone Wants to Know!

The Top 13 Alexa Tricks of 2022

Amazon has sold tens of millions of Alexa-enabled smart speakers/virtual assistants, so if you already have one (or more), you’re not alone. But you’re missing out if the only things you do with your gadget are listening to music and set alarms.

You’ve only scratched the surface of your Amazon Echo’s capabilities after you learn about some cool hidden features and how to offer Alexa humorous instructions. You will have more free time, more enjoyment, and an overall better life thanks to these tips and tricks.

Say ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Afternoon


To get a lively, engaging response, just say, “Alexa, good morning” or “Alexa, good afternoon” During the mornings, Alexa will share inspirational quotes with you, and during the afternoons, she will offer advice or words of encouragement.

Change Alexa’s Voice

To get a lively, engaging response, just say, “Alexa, good morning” or “Alexa, good afternoon” During the mornings, Alexa will share inspirational quotes with you, and during the afternoons, she will offer advice or words of encouragement.


Use Alexa’s Traffic skills to get live traffic updates before heading out the door. You’ll need to provide the app with an address to get started. To add your home and destination addresses to Alexa’s traffic database, go to Settings > Traffic > Alexa Preferences.

You can then ask Alexa, “Alexa, how’s traffic?” after providing this data. have data delivered instantly; to be kept up to date.

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Listen to Music Throughout the House


You can play music on all of your Echo speakers at once if you have more than one. The Alexa app’s Devices menu is where you’ll want to be. To add more speakers for listening to music throughout the house, click the plus sign (+). Choose the gadgets you’d like to include, and then go ahead and make the collection.

Make Multiple Profiles

By creating user profiles for each member of the family, Alexa may tailor her recommendations to each individual user. In the Alexa app, go to Settings, then select Amazon Household under Alexa Account, and follow the on-screen prompts to create a household profile.


Members of the same household can use the phrase “Alexa, learn my voice,” to train the virtual assistant to recognize who is speaking.

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Establish Parental Controls

Alexa users have access to Amazon’s FreeTime program. Parents can set limits on viewing time, access to adult-oriented content, and product access with this function.

The Top 13 Alexa Tricks of 2022

FreeTime can be activated via the Alexa app’s device list found in the app’s Settings menu. Choose the gadget you wish to restrict access to for children. Choose FreeTime and turn on the feature.

Protect Purchases


The ability to use your voice to shop is a neat feature of Alexa devices, but you may not want others to have access to it. Set a four-digit speech code or turn off voice purchasing entirely in the Alexa app’s Settings menu under Voice Purchasing.

Whip up an IFTTT Recipe


FTTT (which means If This, Then That) recipes enable actions based on triggers; If this happens, then that should happen). You can use these applets to increase Alexa’s abilities. For instance, you can use an IFTTT recipe to send the shopping list you created on Alexa to your phone or trigger smart lights to flash when a timer goes off.

Create Custom Routines


By using routines, you can have Alexa perform several actions in response to a single trigger. The Alexa app’s New Routine screen may be accessed by selecting Routines from the menu and then clicking the + (plus) button. In order to create and access a personalized routine for your device, you must first choose the appropriate criteria, actions, and devices.

Check-in While You’re Away


You can use the drop-in function to sign in from anywhere, on any device. Once you’ve enabled Drop-in, you can connect to another device by selecting it from the Communicate screen and clicking the Drop-in button.

Custom Flash Briefings

After hearing the phrase “Alexa, play my flash briefing” the user will hear prerecorded news snippets. In the Alexa app, you can add and remove sources to create your own unique briefings.


From the Settings menu, choose Flash Briefing, and then use the search bar to find topics of interest. On the Flash Briefing screen, select Edit and then rearrange the slides by dragging and dropping.

Build DIY Skills


Alexa Skill Blueprints are a neat new addition to Alexa. You can use these examples as a starting point for developing an Alexa skill for your own use at home or in the workplace. Visit and enter your Amazon credentials to get started.

Turn on a Night Light

Alexa can guide children (and adults) in the dark to the bathroom or help them fall asleep. When you tell Alexa, “Alexa, open Night Light” her notification light will come on.


Fave having Alexa around the house? There are so many options available now that picking one to purchase might be challenging. Our recommendations for the top Amazon gadgets and how we recommend using them are below.

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