The four-part documentary series “Buried” on Showtime examines the 1969 murder of 8-year-old Susan Nason through the lens of a suppressed memory that emerged as the case’s central tenet. After all, Susan’s childhood closest friend Eileen Franklin claimed in late 1989 that she had seen Susan’s father commit the felony, nearly two decades after the fact.
Just now, she’d repressed it under her heel.
Since Eileen did not appear on camera and instead had private chats with the makers of “Buried,” it is time we caught up with her. Showtime’s four-part documentary series ‘Buried’ examines the 1969 murder of 8-year-old Susan Nason through the lens of a suppressed memory that emerged as the case’s central focus.
After all, Susan’s childhood best friend Eileen Franklin claimed in late 1989 that she had seen Susan’s father commit the violation, more than two decades after the fact. What she’d done was stifle it. Since Eileen did not appear on camera and only spoke with the producers of “Buried” in private, I think it’s time we found out where she is now.
Who is Eileen Franklin-Lipsker?
In the 1960s in Foster City, California, Eileen Franklin was Susan Nason’s neighbor, classmate, and best friend. On September 22, 1969, both of them were enrolled in classes at the neighborhood elementary school. And yet, nobody could have foreseen that tragic day when Susan would be killed.
It’s peculiar that despite their closeness, Eileen never learned about the case through the press or brought it up in conversation with her loved ones.
While playing with her kid in late 1989, Eileen Franklin-Lipsker recounted how her father, George Franklin, had allegedly seized, raped, and bludgeoned her friend Susan in front of her eyes.
Her husband, Barry Franklin, was the first to hear the news, and he eventually convinced her to report it to the authorities. Eileen claims that on that fateful fall day, George picked up Susan from their neighborhood and drove her to “the woods.”
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Where Is Eileen Franklin Lipsker Now?
Showtime’s documentary series “Buried” ended with a title card revealing that series subject Eileen Franklin now goes by her married name and lives in a different state.
She has two husbands, neither of whom knew about her previous marriages.
Apparently, they had a private talk with Eileen who declined to be filmed. Eileen’s longtime friend and co-star of the documentary, Aimee Alotta, says of her: “Her major desire was to go somewhere and be unknown, and she’s succeeded to accomplish that.”
Eileen Franklin-Lipsker testified at George’s trial and later wrote the book Sins of the Father: The Landmark Franklin Case: a Daughter, a Memory, and a Murder, in which she discussed the long-lasting effects of childhood abuse on her psyche and memory.
When she left the scene in the mid-1990s, it was after she had become an advocate and had been a guest on various talk shows to share her story. At that point, Leah’s mother, who had previously supported her and testified against George, had publicly recanted her testimony.
What’s more, Janice claims that after undergoing hypnosis, Eileen recalled the events leading up to Susan’s murder. Eileen concluded her interviews by insisting, despite the unusual circumstances surrounding their resurgence, that her recollections are genuine.
All we know about her current whereabouts is that she divorced twice and left California. Eileen is in her early 60s and has changed her identity to distance herself from her past and maintain her anonymity for as long as possible.
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What is Eileen Franklin-Lipsker Doing Now?
After George’s trial, Eileen Franklin-Lipsker authored a book with her daughter about how childhood trauma affected her memory and recollections, titled Sins of the Father: The Landmark Franklin Case: a Daughter, a Memory, and a Murder. She also became an activist, speaking out on a variety of talk shows until eventually calling it quits in the mid-1990s.
Leah, her mother, who had earlier backed her and testified against George, had publicly recanted her statements by that time. What’s more, Janice Franklin claims that through hypnosis, Eileen recalled the events leading up to Susan’s death. Eileen finished up her interviews by asserting that her memories are authentic regardless of how they came to life.
As far as we can tell, she has moved to California and has been widowed twice. Eileen, now in her early 60s, changed her name to erase all traces of her prior identity and maintain perfect anonymity for as long as possible.