The Japanese manga series MF Ghost (MF, Hepburn: MF Gsuto) is written and drawn by Shuichi Shigeno. Since September 2017, it has been published in parts in Kodansha’s Weekly Young Magazine. As of September 2022, the chapters have been put together in fifteen tankbon volumes. In 2023, Felix Film will start making an anime TV show based on the book.
As of January 2023, more than 4 million copies of the manga had been sold.
On January 4, 2022, it was announced that the book would be turned into an anime TV series. It is made by Felix Film and directed by Tomohito Naka. The scripts were written by Akihiko Inari and Kenichi Yamashita.
Naoyuki Onda designed the characters, and Akio Dobashi made the music. The first episode of the show will air in 2023. South and Southeast Asia got the show from Medialink.
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What Date Does Mf Ghost Come Out?
Even though the manga version of “MF Ghost” has been out since 2017, the anime version is just now coming out. The first teaser trailer for this new show came out on January 3, when Avex Pictures put it on YouTube.
At the same time, Kodansha, a company that publishes manga, put out a promotional image about the series, according to Anime News Network.
Both the trailer and the picture show that “MF Ghost” will come out next year, in 2023. Unfortunately, neither source gave a specific date for when “MF Ghost” will come out in 2023.
Also, there has been no news about where or how fans outside of Japan will be able to watch the show. But, like most anime, it’s likely to show up at some point on either Crunchyroll or Funimation.
As we get closer to 2023, when the anime will come out, we’ll get more and more news about it.
What Are the Main Characters In Mf Ghost Do?
Even though Takumi is the most well-known character in the “Initial D” world, “MF Ghost” focuses on a new character named Kanata Livington for a change of pace. Kanata is a British-Japanese racer who went to a racing school in England.
He now goes to Japan to race in the MFG racing circuit. At the time this was written, it was not clear who would be voicing this new main character.
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Even so, Kanata won’t be the only important character to show up in “MF Ghost.” Takumi and Ryou, who runs the MFG circuit and is a fan favorite, will show up again at some point in the series. In the same way, Kanata has a few friends who help him while he is in the MFG.
Among them are Ren, the girl he likes, Ogata, the mechanic, and Shun Aiba, another racer. Just like with Kanata, we don’t know who will play these characters when “MF Ghost” comes out.
What Does Storylines Ghost Mean?
“MF Ghost” is set in the future, in an unknown year, but it seems to be sometime in the 2020s. It is a “post-driver” world. Most cars in Japan that are used for business are now self-driving, and only racers bother to get behind the wheel.
Kanata Livington comes along. He is a half-British racer who was the best in his class at racing academy and has come back to Japan to win the MFG circuit.
Kanata is great at going downhill, just like his mentor, the legendary Takumi Fujiwara. Kanata wants to be the best racer on the track in his trusty red Toyota 86 GT.
But that’s not the only reason why the character is going to Japan. Kanata will also be looking for his long-lost father. When he’s not racing under the last name of his father, Katagiri, he’s looking for clues about where he is. It’s not clear if Kanata will be able to beat the MFG and find his father, but that will be shown when “MF Ghost” comes out in 2023.