Where Is Hunter Moore Now? The Most Reviled Person on The Internet!

hunter moore where is he now

If Hunter Moore is unfamiliar to you, you should check out the Netflix documentary The Most Hated Man On The Internet.

Mini-doc follows a mother on a campaign to bring down Moore, who calls himself the “King Of Revenge Porn,” when his website publishes pornographic photographs of her daughter without her permission.

Moore acquired notoriety after launching the now-infamous website IsAnyoneUp.com, where he posted intimate images of many men and women, frequently without their consent. The Netflix documentary explores the terrible experiences of several of Moore’s victims.

The docuseries not only illuminates his misdeeds, but also the real-world repercussions of revenge porn, which is now illegal in numerous Australian jurisdictions. After Moore’s questionable dealings were revealed, we were left wanting to know more about his subsequent life. Details on Hunter Moore’s recent history and current whereabouts are provided here.

Who Is Hunter Moore?

A 36-year-old felon, Hunter Moore grew up in the nearby city of Woodland, California. As reported by The New Yorker, he was kicked out of school when he was a teenager.

In 2010, he launched isanyoneup.com, which he said will focus on nightlife and partying. When he and his pals were shown pornographic pictures of the girl they were seeing, however, everything changed.

According to Rolling Stone, Moore started posting photos of these women and links to their social media profiles on her website, despite the fact that the women in question insisted they had never given their permission for the use of their images and that, in some cases, their computers had been hacked. ‘The most loathed man on the internet’ was the moniker given to Moore by the website.

Moore said the site was getting over 30 million monthly page views at its peak of notoriety, but he also predicted its imminent demise.

Was Hunter Moore Convicted?

Charlotte Laws, the Mother of A Woman Whose Photographs Were Posted on The Website, Gathered Evidence from More than 40 Other Victims and Used It to Make Moore the Focus of An Fbi Inquiry.

The Fbi Was Given Her Findings, and In 2014 Moore Was Indicted in A Federal Court in California on Counts of Conspiracy and Unauthorised Access to A Secured Computer.

81-1-6647132Two Days Later, He Posted Bond and Was Free to Go, but In 2015, He Pled Guilty to Aggravated Identity Theft and Conspiracy to Commit Computer Intrusion.

Two and A Half Years in Federal Prison and Three Years of Supervised Release Were Imposed on Him. in Addition to The Punishment and Restitution of $145.70, He Was Also Required to Undergo a Mental Health Evaluation While Incarcerated.

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Where Is Hunter Moore Now?

Since His Release from Prison in 2017, Moore Has Remained Mainly Out Of Sight. After His Crimes Were Exposed, He Was Also Removed from Facebook, yet He Maintained an Active Twitter Account until Just Recently. It Would Appear that The Social Media Behemoth Has Officially Suspended the Account.

hunter moore where is he nowAccording to Good to Know, Moore Regularly Posted Pictures from The Gym and Of His Dog. at The Same Time in 2021, He Posted on Twitter, “not My Backstory, but You Know My Name. You Know What I’ve Done, but Not What I’ve Been Through.

Tweeting in The Year 2022, He Said: “okay, Listen Up: I’ve Already Served My Time in Prison. Ten Years Have Passed, and I’ve Moved on With My Life without Letting What Happened to Bother Me. I know that Some of You Love Me, but The Vast Majority of You Despise Me, and I Certainly Wouldn’t Apologise for That. in No Way Am I Indebted to Anyone.”

What Happened to Hunter Moore?

Though the Idea of Revenge Porn Is a Recent One, Several of The Victims Claimed They Had Never Given Their Nude Images to Anyone and Accused Moore of Hacking Into Their Devices to Steal Them. at The Time Anyone Up.Com Was Created, Revenge Porn Was Not Prohibited in Many Us States.

When Moore’s Daughter Was Hacked Through Is Anyone Up.

Com, Charlotte Laws Was One of The First Persons to Accuse Him of Being at The Centre of A Hacking Campaign. Laws Took Her Findings to The Fbi After Speaking with Other Victims of The Website.

Moore Was Detained by The Fbi on Accusations of Conspiracy, Unauthorised Access to A Protected Computer, and Aggravated Identity Theft in January 2014, Four Years After He First Started the Revenge Porn Site.

Later, He Entered a Guilty Plea to Charges of Aggravated Identity Theft and Complicity in Computer Intrusion.

the Judge Gave Him a Prison Term of Two Years and Six Months.

Moore Was Also Hit with A Fine of $2,000 and a Restitution of $145.70 on Top of His Prison Term. Social Media Use Was Also Restricted for Him.

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Is IsAnyone Up.Com Still on The Internet?

Moore Sold His Vengeance Porn Site to Businessman James Mc Gibney, Who Turned It Into an Anti-Bullying Resource in A Little 16 Months (it Now Redirects to His Personal Website).

hunter moore where is he nowAfter Purchasing Moore’s Website, Mc Gibney Wrote an Open Letter to Him in Which He Admitted to “intellectually Bullying the Ever-Loving S**t” out Of Him. “your Primary Goal Was to ‘ruin’ the Lives of Teenage Girls. You Laughed in Their Faces Even After They Threatened Suicide Since Their Unauthorised Explicit Pictures Were Still on Your Website.”

And Mc Gibney Continued: “How Much Longer Can You Keep that Grin on Your Face? You May Have Intended to End Their Lives, but I Ended Yours Mentally Instead. an Education in The Subtleties of Social Manipulation Was Provided to You.”

How Did Hunter Moore Get Caught?

A growing number of victims eventually demanded that Moore remove images and other identifying information from IsAnyoneUp.com as the site became more popular and profitable.

According to the articles in The Village Voice and The Mirror, Moore was completely unconcerned by their requests, instead responding with “LOL” and taking pride in his self-proclaimed role as a “professional life ruiner.”

But when Moore ran into Charlotte Laws, everything started to fall apart. The Guardian reports that in 2012, Laws’ daughter Kayla had her entire name, social media handles, and a topless photo of herself posted online.

In a flash, Laws decided to take matters into her own hands and work toward toppling Moore’s empire.

Fast forward to when “[Laws] mounted a two-year investigation into his actions, amassed a dossier of evidence from more than 40 victims all across the world, and finally brought the FBI to his front door.”

Laws has collected enough information for the FBI to launch an official investigation into Moore and IsAnyoneUp.com. An examination of Moore’s sources showed that his photographs did not originate only from voluntary contributions. He also employed someone to hack into victims’ computers in order to steal their photographs.