How to Convert Live Photo to Normal Still Photo on iPhone? Try These Methods in 2023!

convert live photo to still

When the Live Photos feature is activated on your iPhone, every picture you take will be saved as a Live Photo rather than a regular photo whenever you take a picture. Live Photos, on the other hand, are not popular with all users. The use of Live Photos might not be desired by all users.

The Live Photo feature can be disabled, that is true; however, what happens to the photographs that have already been saved as Live Photos? You are in luck since there are a variety of ways in which you can convert Live images to still images on your iPhone.

1. By Duplicating Picture

Utilizing the Duplicate option is one of the most straightforward way to convert Live Photos into still images. With the help of this technology, you are able to transform a single live photo or numerous live photos into photographs.

Convert One Live Photo to Still

  1. Open the Apple Photos app on your iPhone and start taking pictures.
  2. When you wish to convert the live photo to regular, open the live photo.
  3. After pressing the icon with three dots at the top of the screen, select Duplicate from the option that appears. It is possible that you will need to tap on the Share symbol rather than the three dots if you are using an older phone.
  4. Select the Duplicate as Still Photo option. It’s over with. To create a standard still photograph, the live shot that was chosen will be transformed.

Things That Should Be Kept in Mind:

  • If you are unable to locate the option to duplicate the live photo as a still image, check to see that you have not applied any effects to the live shot, such as Bounce, Loop, or any other similar effect. To begin, the effect must be removed. To accomplish this, open the picture and then tap on the effect that is located in the upper-left corner. If you choose Live.
  • On the same day that the live photo was shot, the regular photos will be displayed on it. The picture will be located in the Library view of the Photos app, right next to the Live photo, and it will not be the most current photo that you see.

Convert Multiple Live Photos to Still

The following steps should be followed in order to convert live photos into still pictures in bulk:

  1. On your mobile device, launch the Apple Photos application.
  2. Select Live Photos next to the Albums tab, which is located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select the option that you want to use. After that, select the live photographs that you wish to show by tapping on them. If you wish to select all of the photographs, you should hit the Select All button.
  4. Press the icon with three dots at the bottom of the screen, and then select the Duplicate option.
  5. select Duplicate as Still Photos.

Congratulations to you! A number of live pictures on your iPhone have been successfully converted into regular images.

2. Using the Files App

convert live photo to still

The Files app can be used for the same reason if the method described above does not work, particularly when it comes to converting multiple live photographs to normal. In this case, you will first need to save the Live Photo as a file, and then go to the Files app and save it as an image.

The following is a comprehensive list of instructions:

  1. To begin, launch the Apple Photos application.
  2. Navigate to Albums and select Live Photos from the menu. Live Photos can also be selected from the main collection, which is another option.
  3. To convert one or more Live Photos to JPG format, you must first pick them by pressing the pick button.
  4. Select Save to Files from the menu that appears after tapping on the Share button.
  5. Select the location as the one in which you would like to save the photograph. Take, for example, Downloads. Tap the Save button. The Live Photos you have taken are now transformed into photos. On the other hand, they will not be displayed in the Photos app just yet. To accomplish this, please follow the further steps.
  6. Now, launch the Files application and navigate to the folder in which you have saved the photographs.
  7. From the menu, select the option by pressing the icon with three dots.
  8. Choose the photographs that you have already saved on your computer. After that, the next step is to pick Save Photos from the menu after tapping on the Share icon.

Your iPhone’s Apple Photographs app will now display the live photographs that have been converted.

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3. By Turning Off Live Photo Feature Temporarily

  • launch the Live Photo feature within the Apple Photos app.
  • Select the Live option at the top of the screen and then tap the Off button. The shot you took has been momentarily transformed into a still image. It is possible to re-add the live effect by going through the steps again and selecting Live during the process.

4. By Editing the Picture

convert live photo to still
  • Start by opening the Live Photo that you want to alter within the Apple Photos app.
  • Locate the Edit option and tap on it.
  • At the bottom of the screen, tap on the Live Photo symbol representing the concentric circles. The picture that will be converted from a Live photo to a regular still image can now be selected from this place. Tap the Make Key Photo button after selecting the frame from the slider located at the bottom of the screen. The frame that you have selected will have a tiny dot appear on it.
  • The next step is to disable Live Photo by tapping on the Live button located at the top of the screen.
  • To convert the live shot into a still image, press the Done button until the photo is saved.

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5. By Sharing in Non-Apple Apps

It will be instantly transformed into a regular still picture if you share the Live Photo with someone outside of the Apple apps. By way of illustration, whether you send the Live Photo using WhatsApp, Telegram, or any other platform, it will be transmitted as a standard JPG file.

6. Take a Screenshot

We have a straightforward method for taking a screenshot of the Live Photo, which you may use if you wish to turn the Live Photo into a still image in a rush. The screenshot will be preserved as a regular snapshot and will not be deleted. However, it is possible that the quality of the picture will not be the same as the original.