Reel is a new tool that was just added to Instagram that enables users to create short videos by utilizing the video editor that is already built into Instagram. Additionally, the social media site presents you with millions of contemporary music tracks that you can incorporate into your Reels films in order to make them more engaging. Due to the fact that you are able to utilize music in Reels without having to store it on your phone, this appears to be a highly intriguing feature.
What actions do you take when you discover music on Instagram Reels that you enjoy listening to? In the same way that it is possible to save videos from Instagram Reels, it is also possible to download audio from Instagram Reels. If you want to avoid talking about audio on the platform, you will not be able to download Reel audio directly on Instagram because there is no video download tool. The only exception to this is if you want to save the audio to your Instagram account for later use.
Therefore, this is the point at which the hacks that allow you to obtain audio reels emerge. For your convenience, we have compiled three tried-and-true techniques that you may use to download Reel audio to any of your devices. All that is required of you is to select one of our four most effective approaches to downloading audio from Instagram Reels and then adhere to the instructions without reservation. Remain in contact with us.
3 Ways to Download Instagram Reels Audio as MP3
Interested in finding the most effective methods to download reel audio from Instagram? The following are three reliable hacks that will make it easy for you to accomplish this task on your mobile devices and personal PCs.
Method 1: download Reels Audio Using the Online Reels Downloader

Using a reel downloader that is available online, it is possible to download audio from Instagram Reels just by clicking on the link. There are several platforms that allow you to download reel audio, like, despite the fact that not all Reels download services enable this feature. With that being said, downloading audio reels from our website is a pretty simple process. All you need to do is follow this detailed guide:
- navigate to Instagram and search for the reels that contain the audio that you want to download. To access the reel video that you previously saved, navigate to your Instagram profile and pick the menu that consists of three lines. After that, choose Saved to have access to the reels that contain the audio that you wish to download.
- While watching the reel video, navigate to the bottom of the page and click on the audio file that you want to download.
- You will then be sent to the audio page, which is the third step. Choose the option to Copy the link from the menu that appears when you click the three dots.
- Using the audio link that you have copied to your clipboard, proceed to and enter the link into the box that is provided. Congratulations!
- select the Download MP3 option and then wait for the audio file to load. After that, choose the menu that is presented to you and download the sound to your mobile device.
Using this method, you will be able to retrieve the audio of the Instagram reel in the format of an MP3 immediately onto your mobile device. You may also check out, which is an additional Instagram audio downloader that operates in a manner that is comparable to that of Instagram and assists with the download of Instagram audio.
All of these technologies rest on the same fundamental principle. You can convert reels to MP3 and download audio from a reel video by using the Instagram video to an audio downloader in order to accomplish these tasks.
- ReelSave.App
- Insta.SaveTube.Me
- Reel Saver
Method 2: Convert Reels to Audio by Changing the File Extension
When there is only audio in the background of the reel video, this way of converting video to audio MP3 file is the one that is suggested the most. This approach is an older method. You may quickly convert the video to audio MP3 by altering the file type. This is possible since Instagram reel videos can be downloaded using third-party apps and online downloaders. On the other hand, this method can only be utilized when utilizing a personal computer or an Android device. Here is how to implement it:
- navigate to Instagram and open the reel video that contains the audio that you wish to capture.
- Select the Copy link from the menu that appears when you click on the three dots that are located on the right side of the page.
- download the reel video by using either or the Insaver app.
- Once the film has been downloaded, navigate to your file manager and press and hold the video that you have downloaded.
- Select Rename from the menu that appears when you click on the three dots at the bottom of your screen.
- Changing the extension at the end of the name from.MP4 to.MP3
Utilizing this method, the video will be preserved on your mobile device in the form of an audio file. Nevertheless, there are websites and applications that can convert video to audio, but the process that was described earlier is somewhat basic.
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Method 3: Extract Reel Audio with A Video Editor

Additionally, a video editor can be utilized to extract the audio from a Reel video, which is still another technique for downloading audio from Instagram. This method, on the other hand, can only be utilized in the event that you intend to remove the audio from the video and then incorporate it into another movie. It is possible to accomplish this with the use of certain programs. How to do it is as follows, then:
- download the video from Instagram Reels by following the first three stages of the manner described above.
- Installing InShot on your mobile device can be done by going to either the App Store or the Play Store.
- In the third step, launch InShot and import the video that you wish to modify.
- Select Music and then select Tracks in the fourth step.
- After that, select the reel video that you downloaded before and then hit the Extract Audio from Video button.
The end of it! Your audio download from Reels has been finished successfully!
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How to Save Instagram Reels Audio to Use Later
In order to incorporate the audio into a video, you will need to either download it to a device or extract it if you want to use any of the aforementioned techniques. On the other hand, you can fulfill all of these responsibilities straight within the Instagram app.
Managing your video creation directly within Instagram can be accomplished by following these instructions.
- navigate to Instagram and search for the reels that contain the audio that you want to download. To access the reel video that you previously saved, navigate to your Instagram profile and pick the menu that consists of three lines. After that, choose Saved to have access to the reels that contain the audio that you wish to download.
- While watching the reel video, navigate to the bottom of the page and click on the audio file that you want to download.
- After opening the “Audio” folder, select the audio file you want to open by tapping on it. When you are ready to produce your video, you can tap the Use Audio button directly from this screen.
If you do a lot of brainstorming for your Instagram Reels strategy and want to capture several audio tracks for later use, this method is an excellent choice for you.